User interface is the borderline of communication between a computerized system and its user. Therefore the design of the user interface should be planned and executed thoroughly. However the design of the user interface should not be separated from the design of the inner side of the system, because there is rarely time in systems development projects to postpone the design of the functions itself for later time in the project. When the starting point of user interface design is the work processes of the end users the outcome should be an efficient tool for the users, because then the system really does what the user needs in its working environment. This research studied user interface design methods that take the work processes and the goals of the users into consideration and also are in line with UML modelling language which is meant for design of the inner parts of the system. According to literature GUIDe user interface design method seemed to be such a method so it was tested in empiric. The meaning for the empirical study was to test that does the GUIDe user interface design method really take the work processes and the goals of the users into consideration and is it in line with the design of the inner parts of the system. It was also tested that what is the user interface design methods relation to the usability of the user interface.
The results indicated that the GUIDe user interface design method takes the work processes and the goals of the users into consideration. It was also validated that this method is in line with the UML modelling language and when using GUIDe user interface design method, following usability aspect will be enhanced; Match between the system and the real world, Flexibility and efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design, Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors.
Author: Mulari, Vesa
Source: LuleƄ University of Technology
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