Why an MBA?

This report researches the advantages of Master of Business Administration (MBA) on job related income in Japan and analyzed it with that of America. Furthermore, we’ve also reviewed affect of MBA intervention on other job outcomes like employability, job satisfaction, confidence in knowledge and skills, career growth and status. We’ve gathered and made use of a total of Eighty six survey questionnaire responses (36 MBA holders and 50 individuals without MBA) from Japan, the united states and a few other nations. Moreover, we’ve obtained responses from Twenty two individuals supervisory roles at the job regarding their view on differences in efficiency between MBA holders the ones not having MBA at work. They presented us with their viewpoints on financial benefit, business related knowledge and career growth…


Chapter1 Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. History and evolution of MBA
1.3. Expectations of MBA seekers
1.4. MBA today: relevance in the business world?
1.5. Still, why an MBA?
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework and Research Questions
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Research Questions
2.3. Hypotheses
2.3.1. Financial benefit
2.3.2. Employability
2.3.3. Job satisfaction
2.3.4. Confidence in knowledge and skill
2.3.5. Career growth
2.3.6. Status
Chapter 3 Research Method
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Research Methodology
3.2.1. Control variables
3.2.2. Scales
3.3. Description of the Sample
3.4. Data collection
3.5. Measurement
3.6. Limitations
Chapter 4 Results
4.2. Results
4.3. Perspectives of superiors on differences between MBA holders and people without MBA
4.3.1. Difference between perceptions of superiors in Japan and in the US
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Reflection
2 Why an MBA?
5.3. Recommendations and Future Study

Source: University of Twente

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