The structural quality of material (concentration and nature of defects) and optical properties (intensity and spectral emission range) of semiconductor materials are usually closely correlated. The idea of this work was to carry out a basic characterization of the structural (by X-ray
About half of the restorations made on teeth today are restorations of old fillings, which explain the need for a better dental material. Recently Calcium aluminates as dental materials, CACs, entered the market and have shown good potentials. However their main disadvantage
In this Thesis, I have investigated multifunctional nanostructured Ti-Si-C thin films synthesized by magnetron sputtering in the substrate-temperature range from room temperature to 900 °C. The studies cover high-temperature growth of Ti3SiC2 and Ti4SiC3, low-temperature growth of Ti-Si-C nanocomposites, and Ti-Si-C-based multilayers,
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