Many industrial applications require accurate and rapid measurement of the 3-D shapes of physical objects. Representative applications of 3-D shape measurement include mechanical reverse engineering, 3-D digital replication, and part inspection. Traditional 3-D measurement techniques, such as coordinate measurement machines (CMM) and
The goal of the thesis Development of computer interface for a clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter” is to develop a new and improved computer interface for a clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter. The primary goal is to make the ultrasonic flow meter easier to
Extensible Markup Language (XML) has been the standard for persistent data storing and data interchange via the Internet, due to its openness, self-descriptiveness and flexibility. As such, more and more data have been converted into XML format or handled in XML format,
Many real-time systems have significant value in terms of legacy, since large efforts have been spent over many years to ensure their proper functionality. Examples can be found in, e.g., telecom and automation-industries. Maintenance consumes the major part of the budget for
Reverse engineering, as the name implies is an engineering process going in reverse. The process has in resent times emerged from the shadows of engineering science to become common in many organisations today. To study engineering can be difficult, especially transforming theoretical
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