Supplier Relationship Management: Developments in Co-operative Initiatives

The purpose of this thesis is to broaden the understanding of current supplier relationship management and to discover what, if any, are the new initiatives being used by organizations to support their suppliers from a co-operative standpoint. The research is completed from a global perspective and therefore adding further insight into the overall trends of SRM practices.


Chapter One: Background – The SRM Picture
1.1 Definitions
1.11 Strategic Sourcing
1.12 SRM
1.13 Collaboration Terms
1.2 Brief History of SRM
1.21 Global Expansion
1.22 Conclusion
Chapter Two: Problem Analysis
2.1 Research Problem
2.2 Purpose
2.3 Limitations
2.4 Methodology
Chapter Three: Accenture Survey
3.1 Demographics
3.11 International perspective
3.12 Industry breadth
3.2 Findings
3.21 Leaders
3.22 Savings
3.23 Differentiation
3.24 Organizations Capabilities
3.25 Processes
3.26 Technology
3.27 Conclusion
Chapter Four: Capabilities
4.1 Holistic Approach
4.2 Joint Involvement
4.2.1 Product Development Tetra Pak Case
4.2.2 Process Improvement
4.3. Interpersonal Skills
4.3.1 Personal Commitment
4.3.2 Interpersonal Training
4.3.3 National Culture
4.3.4 Summary
Chapter Five: Processes
5.1 Performance Management and Measurement
5.12 Continuous Improvement
5.211 Intel Program
5.12 Ethics
5.2 Supplier Segmentation
5.21 Kraft Foods Case
5.22 Ethics Segmenting
5.23 Conclusion
5.3 Meetings
5.31 Plant Visits
Chapter Six: Technology
6.1 Everyday Processes- Logging Contracts
6.11 E-auctions and eRFQ
6.2 Everyday Processes- Knowledge of Cost Drivers
6.21 RFID
6.3 Technological Limitations
Chapter Seven: Discussion
7.1 Accenture Results
7.12 Leaders
7.13 Accenture’s Capabilities Processes and Technology
7.2 Capabilities
7.3 Processes
7.4 Technology
Chapter Eight: Conclusion
8.1 Benefits
8.2 Future of SRM
8.3 Further Research
Chapter Nine: References
9.1 Journals
9.2 Books
9.3 Web Material

Author: Lucas Rulff

Source: Blekinge Institute of Technology

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