In this report we will discuss about topics like Prophetic Tradition, Political Liberalism, Religion, Isolationists, Fundamentalists, etc. Lately literature has been created with a negative opinion of the function of religion in promoting citizenship. We have three three main themes in this report. First, concern about the spillover of illiberal values into public life as a result of socialization infused with patriarchy. Next, a problem for individual independence because of uncritical adherence to passed down beliefs and minimum experience of a broad array of alternate views. Finally, a concern for the growth of democratic values because of a type of radical sectarianism which makes them vulnerable. Arguments which move forward these themes have aimed at religious groups which are fundamentalist and isolationist. Even though many authors have noted that not all religious groups are similar to this, the general effect of this literature is to permit fundamentalist and isolationist groups to stand for religion typically via assumptions that they are different from other groups just in being more extreme…..
Watch a video on Political Liberalism.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Significance of the Problem
Chapter 2: Background of the Study
The Correspondence Argument
Chapter 3: Arguments Opposing Religious Education
Isolationists and Fundamentalists
Harry Brighouse
Amy Gutmann
Eamonn Callan
Chapter 4: Typology of Religious Belief
The Prophetic Tradition in Christianity
Chapter 5: Christianity, the Political Dimension, and Citizenship
How the Prophetic Tradition Shapes Citizens
Critique of Ideology
Public Processing of Pain
Release of Social Imagination
The Role of the Citizen in the Prophetic Tradition
Resist Enculturation
Contest the Effects of Obdurateness
The Prophetic Tradition and Liberal Democratic Suspicions
I. Does socialization within groups that adhere to the prophetic tradition
completely shield members of those groups from views that do not affirm the
truth of their beliefs?
II. Does the stance of the prophetic tradition warrant respect, by those who
adhere to it, for the freedom of conscience and religious liberty of those who
hold other religious views or who hold none?
III. Does the prophetic tradition value the core values of citizenship
(reciprocity, tolerance and mutual respect) and accept that religious people
should not hold or act on the view that those who hold other convictions are
unworthy of fair treatment or equal rights as citizens?
Chapter 6: The Prophetic Tradition within the Black Church
The Black Church
Evidence of the Prophetic Impulse in the Black Church
I. Birth of the black church as prophetic act through conscious departure from
the racist presuppositions underpinning the theology of the white church
II. Black church as nurturer of prophetic imagination through sermons, hymns
and spirituals
III. Citizenship as religious vocation: from appropriation of prophetic values……..