Free Projects, Thesis, Dissertation Samples

Projects, Thesis, Dissertation

Welcome to ProjectsParadise: Our aim is to be the ultimate provider of free project reports and thesis samples. You can find thousands of research papers, summer project topics, case studies, final year projects & dissertation ideas which are free to access and download. So start searching now.

Combating HIV and AIDS

The intention behind this qualitative thesis is to discover exactly how and what educators in Iringa Municipality, Tanzania, educate their pupils with regards to HIV/AIDS in secondary school. We have utilized semi-structured interviews, observations as participator and my personal experiences to evaluate

Brain computer interface & social interaction

A brain-computer interface is actually a direct communication route involving the brain and an external device. In this particular project, we are going to focus on whether or not using a brain-computer interface (BCI) has a bearing on the social interaction between individuals while taking part in a cooperative game. We also discuss about factors that influence social interaction.

Social Norm Perception Influences Entrepreneurial Intentions

The main subject in this research is exactly how Social Norm Perception influences Entrepreneurial Intentions. Generally, Entrepreneurial intentions are explained by research models which combine personal factors and perceptions of situational factors. The explanatory power of personal factors on entrepreneurial intentions is proven in numerous researches. This project targets primarily on perceptions of Social Norm, as a proxy for situational factors.

Political Liberalism, Religion, Prophetic Tradition

This project report discusses about some important topics like Prophetic Tradition, Political Liberalism, Religion, Isolationists, Fundamentalists, Typology of Religious Belief, Effects of Obdurateness, Role of the Citizen in the Prophetic Tradition, Political Dimension and Social Imagination. Literature has been filled with a negative opinion of the function of religion in promoting citizenship.

Pattern Recognition System: Design Proposal

Pattern recognition is interested in the description and classification (recognition) of patterns (objects). Pattern recognition is an essential part of intelligent systems and therefore are useful for many applications domains like decision making. Pattern recognition is studied in a number of domains, like psychology, cognitive science, psychiatry, ethology, traffic flow and information technology.