Mixed Messages within The Buddha of Suburbia

The mixed messages provided in The Buddha of Suburbia together with its prevalent use of humour are the focal point for this essay. The aim is to defend my thesis statement that humour provides a justifiable forum for the critique and presentation of society, enabling the facilitation of serious, effective and powerful perspectives. As critical standpoints a mixture of Postcolonial and Marxist theories are applied together with Bakhtin’s theory of carnevalesque. By comparing historic facts with the portrayed environment depicted in the novel, a message is delivered that a change of a different worldview is required. This message is displayed with various uses of humour, wit and satire, which provide an allegorical veil for its seriousness. This analysis shows that there are no seeming changes in the lives of the characters, but it highlights that a need for a change of views is important.


1. Introduction
2. Method and Theory
2.1 Critical Perspectives
2.2 Carnevalesque
2.3 Humour, Wit, Satire and Allegory
3. Background
3.1 Society
3.2 Immigration
3.3 Youth Culture
4. Analysis of the Novel
4.1 Mixed Messages
4.2 Mixed Use of Wit and Humour
4.3 Mixed Cultures
4.4 Mixed Aspects of Society
4.5 ‘Otherness’ as Sources of Energy and Potential Change
5 Conclusion
6 References

Author: Lindgren Edmonds, Ann-Louise

Source: Vaxjo University

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