Marketing intelligence is a modern notion within MNCs. Its interpretation and scope is not entirely apparent, which makes it sophisticated to utilize. In study, it is clear that marketing intelligence as an entity isn’t profoundly reviewed. Intelligence is present in numerous aspects where researchers’ usually are not clearly distinguishing between the differences. This thesis commences with bringing marketing intelligence in its entity considering information exchange, which is a base for intelligence. Obviously, there have been no active theories on this topic. It was thus required to discover quite a few features connected to the marketing intelligence process (MIP). Theories for each feature had been put into a context, and a theoretical platform was conceptualized. The theoretical framework results in a foundation for how to shape the MIP in order to proficiently use intelligence in the decision-making approach for an MNC. To be able to study how MIP needs to be used in an MNC, Volvo CE International AB is the selected case company. Volvo CE International AB’s marketing intelligence procedure has been examined in order to discover essential factors for planning and strengthening it. The study is carried out on a local level, where Volvo CE’s regional hub within Australia is an important unit in the process…
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Conceptual Discussion
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Outline Of The Research Process
1.5 Purpose
1.6 Delimitations
1.7 Outline Of The Thesis
2 Methodology
2.1 Research Strategy
2.2 Research Approach
2.3 Research Method
2.4 Quality Of Research
2.5 Scientific Reasoning
2.6 Data Collection
2.7 Data Analysis
2.8 Ethics In Research
2.9 Critiques Of Literature And Respondents
2.10 An Impeccable Case Study
3. Designing Individual Research Device
4. Theoretical Framework
4.1 Communication
4.2 Marketing Intelligence
4.3 Network Concept
4.4 Dealer Intelligence Network
4.5 Customer Intelligence Network
4.6 Competitor Intelligence Network
4.7 Stakeholders Intelligence Network
4.8 Summary
5 Empirical Findings
5.1 Company Presentations
5.2 Assessing Previous Research
5.3 Marketing Intelligence At Volvo Ce International Ab
5.4 Communication
5.5 Marketing Intelligence Cycle
5.6 Dealer Intelligence Network
5.7 Customer Intelligence Network
5.8 Competitor Intelligence Network
5.9 Stakeholder Intelligence Network
5.10 Mip Experience Within Supplementary Companies
6 Analysis
6.1 Communication
6.2 Marketing Intelligence Cycle
6.3 Dealer Intelligence Network
6.4 Customer Intelligence Network
6.5 Competitor Intelligence Network
6.6 Stakeholders Intelligence Network
7 Conclusions
7.1 Holistic View Of The Mip In Practice
7.2 Internal Intelligence Network Within The Mip
7.3 External Intelligence Network Within Mip
8 Theoretical Conclusions As Contribution To The Science
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Holistic View Of The Mip
8.3 Implementing The Mip In Practice
9 Recommendations…
Source: Goteborg University
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