Learning the Pelvic Examination

The inspiration for the present studies was the learning concept that used professional patients (PP) as instructors for medical students in learning how to perfom the pelvic examination (PE). Interviews performed with women who were PPs showed that they experienced a continuous beneficial increase in knowledge. This promoted personal development related to bodily awareness and affirmed their femininity, making them less vulnerable and reversing their approach to their own body of being an object to becoming a subject. The growing ability to contribute to students’ learning and the feeling of being valuable enhanced the PPs self-esteem and well-being and promoted independence in the learning situation…


Women’s experience of pelvic examinations
Ethics in learning to perform a pelvic examination
Evolution of Professional Patients in learning the pelvic examination
The pelvic examination learning concept, Linköping University
The professional patients in obstetrics/gynaecology, Linköping University
Theoretical Framework
Adult learning
Learning a skill
Learning environment
Learning to perform the pelvic examination
Haptic perception
Theories of empowerment
Empowerment in Health Promotion
The meeting in the pelvic examination situation
The empowerment approach in the pelvic examination situation
The Empowering Pelvic Examination (EPE)
Aims of the Present Study
Overview of the Studies
Qualitative and quantitative approaches-complementary methods in research
Qualitative research
Qualitative methods used in the present studies
Constant Comparative Method
Methods in Study I-VI
Ethical considerations
Methodological considerations
Discussion Study I-VI
General Discussion
Aims and Conclusions
Clinical Implications
Summary in Swedish

Author: Siwe, Karin

Source: Linköping University

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