With increased bandwidth and transmission speed, the Internet allows digital copyrighted works to be distributed and transmitted with high efficiency, thus providing vast opportunities for the growth of pirating activities. Internet piracy – the unauthorized copying or sharing of digital copyrighted works online – is a growing concern in the information age as it is inflicting a significant impact on the well-being of businesses and individuals…
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Research problem
1.1.2 Organization of the dissertation
1.2 Piracy and Internet Piracy
1.3 The Impact of Global Internet Piracy on the Entertainment and Software Industry
1.3.1 Negative impact of Internet piracy
1.3.2 Positive impact of Internet piracy
1.4 Two Major Responses to Internet Piracy – Law and Technologies
1.4.1 Copyright law
1.4.2 A three-pronged approach to curb Internet piracy – Lobbying, Legislation, Litigation
1.4.3 Use of advanced technology to prevent Internet piracy
1.5 Problems with the Law and Technologies
1.5.1 Problems with the law as the sole regulator
1.5.2 Problems of technological control
1.6 Purpose of Research
1.6.1 The importance of studying Internet piracy
1.6.2 Objectives of the study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Descriptive Research
2.2 Ethical Consideration of Piracy
2.3 Piracy from a Cultural Perspective
2.4 Motivating Factors of Piracy
2.5 Piracy Studies with Specific Models
2.6 Drawbacks
Chapter Three Theoretical Development
3.1 Uses and Gratifications
3.1.1 Internet use
3.1.2 “Expectancy-value” & “problem-solving” theory
3.1.3 Internet piracy
3.2 TRA & TPB
3.3 Theoretical Framework
3.3.1 The importance of Attitude
3.3.2 Determinants of Intention
3.3.3 Perceived Normative Beliefs – the single determinant of Subjective Norms
3.3.4 Determinants of Behavio
3.3.5 Control Variables
3.3.6 Research Model
3.4 Research Hypotheses
3.4.1 Cognitive Beliefs (COGBE)
3.4.2 Ethical Belief (ETHIC)
3.4.3 Computer Deindividuation (DEIN)
3.4.4 Perceived Unfairness of the Industry (UNIN)
3.4.5 Subjective Norms (SN)
3.4.6 Perceived Normative Beliefs (NORMB)
3.4.7 Attitude (ATT)
3.4.8 Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC)
3.4.9 Perceived Needs for Internet Piracy (PNIP)
3.4.10 Intention to Internet Piracy (INT)
3.4.11 Past Offline Piracy Experience (PAST)
3.4.12 Summary of Research Hypotheses
Chapter Four Research Design and Methodology
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Questionnaire Design and Measurements
4.2.1 Part One – Elicitation Stud
4.2.2 Part Two – Questionnaire Design & Research Instruments
4.3 Sampling
4.3.1 Data Collection
4.3.2 Sample Size
4.4 Analysis Design and Hypotheses Testing
4.4.1 Factor analysis
4.4.2 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Chapter Five Results
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Descriptive Statistics
5.3 Missing Values
5.4 Construct Validation
5.4.1 Test for Unidimensionality
5.4.2 Reliability
5.4.3 Convergent and Discriminant Validity
5.4.4 Conclusion
5.5 Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) & Hypotheses Testing
5.5.1 SEM – estimating goodness-of fit
5.5.2 Model interpretation – estimating parameters & testing hypotheses
5.5.3 Test for Parsimony
Chapter Six Discussions
6.1 Beliefs Underlying Online Piracy
6.1.1 Cognitive beliefs
6.1.2 Perceived personal & industry disadvantages – insignificant predictors138
6.1.3 Perceived normative beliefs
6.2 Determinants of Attitude
6.2.1 Subjective norms
6.2.2 Other insignificant determinants
6.3 Motivators of Piracy Intention
6.3.1 Perceived Needs for Internet Piracy (PNIP)
6.3.2 The TPB Model
6.4 The Actual Internet Piracy Behavior
6.5 Demographics
6.6 Summary
Conclusion & Implications……….
Author: Lai, Hiu Man Debby
Source: City University of Hong Kong
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