Foreign policy is indirectly and directly a significant part of the European Union. It is indirect because the very being of the European collaboration is first and foremost a foreign policy, attempting to bring peace to Europe. It is direct since a common foreign policy has been on the agenda more or less throughout the entire development of the EU.
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the actorness of EU’s foreign policy. The crisis in Iraq was chosen as an empirical example, where the EU was considered to have suffered from incapacity. Signs of the incapacity were the lack of a common position and effective statements. The aim is therefore to evaluate why there was no common position presented. The thesis furthermore discusses whether the result is specific for the Iraq crisis, or if it is general for the European foreign policy…
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
2 Method
2.1 Method and models
2.2 Sources and source analysis
2.2.1 Sources
2.2.2 Source analysis
2.3 Disposition
3 Foreign Policy and the EU
3.1 The development of CFSP and ESDP
3.2 Process of formulating a foreign policy in the EU
3.2.1 Advantages of common foreign policy
3.2.2 The EU and the UN
4 Theoretical Framework and Conceptualisation of ‘Actorness’
4.1 International Relations Theory and Actorness
4.1.1 International Law and Actorness
4.2 Model one –four criteria
4.2.1 Recognition
4.2.2 Authority
4.2.3 Autonomy
4.2.4 Cohesion
4.3 Model two – social constructivism
4.3.1 Opportunity
4.3.2 Presence
4.3.3 Capability
5 EU’s actorness in the case of Iraq
5.1 The pre war period
5.1.1 ‘War on terror’
5.1.2 Focus on Iraq
5.1.3 The struggle for a resolution
5.1.4 Diplomatic war
5.1.5 Disunity on the agenda
5.1.6 The deadline
5.1.7 War
5.2 EU in post invasion Iraq
5.2.1 The days following the invasion
5.2.2 Healing the disunity
5.2.3 A new resolution
5.2.4 The Iraqi election and constitution
6 Analysis
6.1 Model one
6.1.1 Recognition
6.1.2 Authority
6.1.3 Cohesion
6.1.4 Autonomy
6.2 Model two–social constructivism
6.2.1 Opportunity
6.2.2 Presence
6.2.3 Capability
6.3 Discussion of the models
7 Author’s reflections
8 Conclusion
Author: Källberg, Ellen
Source: Jönköping University
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