Environmental Friendliness as a Marketing Strategy

The purpose of this thesis is to:investigate if and how companies display environmental friendliness in their marketing strategy and how it is presented on their company webpage’s. In order to fulfill the purpose five general dealer’s home and webpage’s were examined. As a supplementing research one store for each of the five general dealers were visited and examined. The used theoretical framework is focused on value and green marketing. How to create a specific value is often the core when formulating and creating a strategy for a company. Green marketing is such marketing that include environmental concerns in the marketing offers. The sales of ecological food has increased and according to SCB (2006) represented 6 Billions in revenue between 2004 and 2005. The literature indicates that green marketing have to change and become more like conventional marketing, in order to reach the larger consumer segments. As a supplement to this theory, a section with home and webpage design and chromatics are added.The analysis and conclusion showed that there were some differences in how the re-searched companies used green marketing. Two of the companies used their webpage’s and displayed environmental awareness, while two had a clear focus on price…


1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Discussion
1.3 Purpose
1.3.1 Research Questions
1.4 Definitions
2 Frame of Reference
2.1 Marketing
2.2 Value
2.3 Strategy and Competitive Advantage
2.3.1 Sustainable Competitive Advantage through
Strategic Pricing
2.3.2 Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Adding Value
2.3.3 Strategic Positioning
2.4 Promotion
2.5 Green Marketing
2.5.1 The History of Green Marketing
2.5.2 Eco Labels and Green Sales
2.5.3 Ecological Marketing Strategy
2.6 Internet Marketing
2.6.1 Webpage Design
2.6.2 Homepage Design
2.7 Chromatics (Science of Colours)
2.7.1 Theoretical Summary
3 Method
3.1 Method Used
3.1.1 Collection of Theoretical Framework
3.1.2 Research Structure for the Webpage Investigations
3.1.3 Research Structure for the Store Investigations
3.1.4 Aspects and Interpretations
3.1.5 Trustworthiness and Relevance of Information
3.1.6 Use of Empirical Findings
4 Empirical Findings
4.1 Coop
4.1.1 Findings from Coops Webpage
4.1.2 Findings from Visit to a Coop Convenient Store
4.2 Willys
4.2.1 Findings from Willys Webpage
4.2.2 Findings from Visit to a Willys Convenient Store
4.3 ICA
4.3.1 Findings from ICAs Webpage
4.3.2 Findings from Visit to a ICA Convenient Store
4.4 Lidl
4.4.1 Findings from Lidls Webpage
4.4.2 Findings from Visit to a Lidl Convenient Store
4.5 Hemköp
4.5.1 Findings from Hemköps Webpage
4.5.2 Findings from Visit to a Hemköp Convenient Store
5 Analysis
5.1 Analysis of the General Dealers Webpage and Store
5.1.1 Coop
5.1.2 Willys
5.1.3 ICA
5.1.4 Lidl
5.1.5 Hemköp
5.2 Comparison between General Dealers
6 Conclusion and Discussion
6.1 Empirical Contribution
6.2 Theoretical Contribution

Author: Hess, Elin,Timén, Peter

Source: Jönköping University

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