Customer Satisfaction in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry In Nigeria

Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and adopted it as a high priority operational goal.This study aimed at investigation the overall customer satisfaction of the mobile telecoms industry in Nigeria, factors influencing satisfaction….


1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Background
1.1.2 Objective and purpose of study
2.1 Literature review
2.1.1 Customer satisfaction
2.1.1a Definition
2.1.1b Antecedents
2.1.1c Assessment and benefits
2.1.1d Consequences
2.2 Demographics and customer satisfaction
3.1 Research method
3.1.1 Research framework
3.1.2 Selection of interviewers
3.1.3 Selection of respondents
3.1.4 Research instrument
3.2 Research design
4.1 Data analysis and discussion
4.1.1 Frequency statistics
4.1.2 Analysis of customer satisfaction
4.2 Customer satisfaction among the demographic variables
4.3 Factors influencing customer satisfaction
4.3.1 Relationship between network quality and satisfaction
4.3.2 Relationship between billing and customer satisfaction
4.3.3 Relationship between validity period and satisfaction
4.3.4 Relationship between customer support and satisfaction
4.3.5 Relationship between network quality, billing, validity period,
customer support and customer satisfaction
4.4 Relationship between demographic variables and satisfaction
4.4.1 Relationship between age and customer satisfaction
4.4.2 Relationship between gender and customer satisfaction
4.4.3 Relationship between location and customer satisfaction
4.4.4 Relationship between employment and customer satisfaction
4.4.5 Relationship between age, gender and satisfaction
4.4.6 Relationship between age, location and satisfaction
4.4.7 Relationship between age, employment and satisfaction
4.4.8 Relationship between gender, location and satisfaction
4.4.9 Relationship between gender, employment and satisfaction
4.4.10 Relationship between location, employment and satisfaction
4.4.11 Relationship between age, gender, location, employment and customer satisfaction
5.1 Conclusion
App. 1 Questionnaire
App. 2 – 17 Full details of the data analysis

Author: Dr. Samuel Eniola

Source: Blekinge Institute of Technology

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