
Arts and Humanities Projects Dissertation, Thesis, Working Papers, Research Papers, Arts and Humanities Examples, Tips, Cases, Resources and Information

The Landscape of Applicatives

The present thesis is concerned with the syntax of constructions variously referred to as ‘applicative’, ‘ditransitive’, or ‘multiple object’ constructions: constructions that contain arguments that transcend the traditional subject-object characterization… Contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction CHAPTER TWO Applicatives: The lay of the land

Ghost and Demons

I distinctly remember when, as a child, I abruptly realized my parents were not superheroes–that they could not always protect me. Suddenly the world was a dangerous place where the adults had lost control. During the day, walking home from school I

Axiological Investigations

The subject of this thesis is formal axiology, i.e., the discipline that deals with structural and conceptual questions about value. The main focus is on intrinsic or final value. The thesis consists of an introduction and six free-standing essays. The purpose of