The cardiac wall has complex three-dimensional fiber structures and mechanical properties that enable the heart to efficiently pump the blood through the body. By studying the myocardial strains induced during diastole, information about the pumping performance of the heart and what mechanisms that are responsible for this effective blood filling, can be achieved. Two different computation methods for myocardial strain, both based on data acquired from marker technique, were compared using a theoretical cylinder model. The non-homogeneous polynomial fitting method yielded higher accuracy than a homogeneous tetrahedron method, and was further used to investigate cardiac and fiber strains…
1 Introduction
1.1 Aims of this Master’s Thesis
2 Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
2.1 Anatomy and Physiology
2.1.1 The Circulation System
2.1.2 The Cardiac Wall
2.1.3 The Cardiac Cycle
2.2 Myocardial Ischemia
3 Cardiac Kinematics
3.1 Strain
3.2 Tensors
3.3 The Strain Tensor
3.4 Strain Components
4 Data Acquisition
4.1 Marker Tracking
4.2 Data Sets
5 Comparison of Strain Computation Methods
5.1 Cylinder Model
5.2 Homogeneous Tetrahedron Method
5.3 Non-Homogeneous Polynomial Fitting Method
5.4 Error Calculation
5.5 Results of the Comparison
5.6 Conclusion of the Comparison
ix6 Method
6.1 Coordinate Systems
6.1.1 Cardiac Coordinate System
6.1.2 Fiber Coordinate System
6.1.3 Transformation
6.2 Cardiac Cycle Timing
6.3 Cardiac Strain Computation
6.4 Fiber Strain Computation
6.5 Fiber Strain Contributions to Cardiac Strain Components
6.6 Statistics
6.6.1 Mean Values and Standard Errors
6.6.2 Significance Tests
6.7 Missing Markers
7 Results
7.1 Baseline
7.1.1 Cardiac Strains
7.1.2 Fiber Strains
7.1.3 Fiber Strain Contributions to Circumferential and Radial Strain
7.2 Ischemic
7.2.1 Cardiac Strains
7.2.2 Fiber Strains
7.2.3 Fiber Strain Contributions to Circumferential and Radial Strain
8 Discussion
8.1 Baseline
8.2 Ischemic
8.3 Conclusions
Author: Lundgren, Katarina
Source: Linköping University
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