In this project, we discuss about customer loyalty in internet banking. As we know, Internet banking has developed and a lot of niche banks functioning largely with the Internet as a method have entered the banking segment. Maintaining the customer loyal online in an extremely competitive environment has turned into a key issue for the banks. The goal of this project is to examine what elements impact bank customer loyalty in an online environment.
The purpose of this dissertation is to find out which parameters service companies are using in order to create customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Theories that we have chosen to consider deal with relationship marketing, service quality, different types of loyalty, customer value, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, loyalty programs, customer clubs, monetary benefits and social bonds.
The banking services have been dynamic during the last decade due to the advent of the Internet in banking sector. One of the most vital challenges of the Internet as a service delivery channel is providing and maintaining service quality. Service quality
The importance of Internet in banking increases as more people use Internet as their main channel in contacts with their bank. This poses both possibilities and threats to the bank and having loyal customers become more important. To enhance our understanding of
Title: The accuracy of customer reward program as loyalty marketing tool Today Tesco is not only the UK’s largest grocer, but also the world’s most successful internet supermarket (Humby and Hunt, 2004, pg 1). The Tesco Clubcard is widely considered to be
Customer’s loyalty is becoming an area of great interest for companies. The rapid development of technology and internet has diverted company’s direction to retain e-loyalty. Customer loyalty has a direct impact on the revenue and profitability of a company. The website interface
The customer loyalty concept has received much attention from both academics and practitioners in different industry. Banking industry is also not excluded and because it has a highly interaction with the customers, getting familiar with this concept would be very important and
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