This is a Pharmacy management system Project with source code. The project is small and supports imple operations only. The project is build using Java. The zip file contains all the necessary Java, class, image files. Following are some main files in this project:,,
1) Goto the Control Panel.
->In that Goto Administrative Tools.
->In that choose Data Sources(ODBC).
2) Inside Data Sources(ODBC ).
->Click Add Button.
->In that select MICROSOFT ACCESS DRIVER(*.mdb).
->In ODBC Microsoft Access setup Dialog Box.
->Set Data Source Name: Medi (Exact Name).
->Click Select Button to Slect DataBase.
->Select the DataBase: MediDB.mdb.
->press Ok to Configure the DataBase.
Thus the ODBC Configuration is over.
Size: 265 KB
File Type: Zip
Java, MS Access
Sir, in this project there is no main class to run the project. From where i can get that class. Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you