We present simulations and observations as part of a model of the binary near-Earth asteroid population. The study of binary asteroid formation includes a series of simulations of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) tidal disruption…
1 Introduction
1.1 Scientific Motivation
1.1.1 Why binary asteroids are interesting
1.1.2 Binary near-Earth asteroids
1.1.3 Binary Main-Belt asteroids
1.2 Binary Formation Mechanisms
1.2.1 Capture
1.2.2 Collisions
1.2.3 Rotational disruption
1.3 Shape and Spin Distributions for NEAs and MBAs
1.3.1 Existing lightcurve data
1.3.2 Recent studies
1.3.3 Motivation for work on small MBAs
1.4 Steady-State Models of the NEA Population
1.4.1 Near-Earth asteroid population dynamics
1.5 Background
1.5.1 Tidal disruption
1.5.2 Rubble piles
1.6 This Dissertation
2 Formation of Binary Asteroids via Tidal Disruption of Rubble Piles
2.1 Overview
2.2 Method
2.2.1 Simulations
2.2.2 Progenitors
2.2.3 Tidal encounters and initial conditions
2.2.4 Analysis
2.3 Results and Discussion
2.3.1 Bulk results
2.3.2 T-PROS and T-EEBs
2.3.3 Classes of disruption
2.3.4 3 h spin rate subset
2.3.5 Triples and hierarchical systems
2.3.6 Tidal evolution and eccentricity damping
2.4 Conclusion
3 Lightcurve Observations of Small Main Belt Asteroids
3.1 Overview
3.2 Observations
3.3 Data Reduction and Photometry
3.3.1 Phase dispersion minimization
3.4 Results and Discussion
3.4.1 Well-determined lightcurves
3.4.2 Detections with significant constraints……..
Author: Walsh, Kevin John
Source: University of Maryland