The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the currency risk management at Superfos and analyse how it can be improved.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Introduction of the case company
1.2 Problem
1.2.1 Research questions
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Delimitations
1.5 Literature search
1.6 Disposition
2 Method
2.1 Research approach
2.2 Qualitative vs. quantitative approach
2.3 Deductive vs. inductive
2.4 Primary vs. secondary data
2.5 Case study
2.5.1 Selection of case company
2.6 Interviews
2.6.1 Interview questions, advantages and disadvantages
2.7 Validity and reliability
2.8 Criticism of method
3 Theoretical framework
3.1 Attitude towards risk
3.2 A company’s types of risks
3.3 Currency risk exposure
3.3.1 Transaction exposure
3.3.2 Operation exposure
3.3.3 Accounting exposure
3.4 Parity Conditions
3.5 Derivatives
3.6 Options to sell and purchase
3.7 Currency forwards
3.8 Currency swaps
3.9 Netting
3.10 Cash pooling
3.11 Employee involvement
3.12 Follow-up
3.13 Previous studies
4 Empirical findings
4.1 Introducing the interviewees
4.2 Strategy
4.3 Hedging policy
4.4 Internal transactions
4.5 Risk communication
5 Analysis
5.1 Strategies
5.2 Hedging
5.3 Internal transactions
5.4 Risk communication
6 Conclusion
6.1 Criticism
6.2 Further research
7 References
Author: Gustafsson, Sandra,Isaksson, Ramona,Lagerqvist, Johan
Source: Jönköping University
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