Even though significance of corporate brand positioning is usually recognised, only a small number of tools are around to assess and manage corporate brands proactively. In this report the Vision, Culture and Image (VCI) method by Hatch and Schultz (2001) was used to evaluate corporate brand alignment. The primary research aim was to look into the role of core values in gaps identified using the model. A substitute model, with core values at the centre of the VCI model is proposed. Data was gathered in a manufacturing organisation in the Netherlands. A selected group of 39 employees took part in structured depth interviews to explain the existing situation…
Corporate branding can be explained as an organized process of creating and maintaining positive images and a positive status of the company as a whole by sending signals to all stakeholders, by managing behaviour and all internal and external communication. Corporate branding has got a lot attention lately. Empiric studies have shown that a strong corporate brand has favourable effects on the positioning of new products and product extensions, customer attractivness, investor confidence and employees motivation…
Source: University of Twente
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