The aim of this dissertation is to describe how a computerized achivement test can be constructed and used in practice. Throughout this dissertation the focus is on classifying the examinees into masters and non-masters depending on their ability. However, there has been no attempt to estimate their ability.
In paper I, a criterion-referenced computerized test with a fixed number of items is expressed as a statistical inference problem. The theory of optimal design is used to find the test that has the strongest power. A formal proof is provided showing that all items should have the same item characteristics, viz. high discrimination, low guessing and difficulty near the cutoff score, in order to give us the most powerful statistical test. An efficiency study shows how many times more non-optimal items are needed if we do not use optimal items in order to achieve the same power in the test…
1 Introduction
2 Computerized knowledge tests
2.1 Item response theory
2.2 Model
2.3 Random trial
2.4 Item bank
2.5 Optimal design of items
2.6 Constructing new items
2.7 Fixed length tests
2.8 Sequential tests
2.9 A final note
3 Summary of papers I-IV
3.1 An optimal design approach to criterion-referenced computerized testing (Paper I)
3.2 Optimal sequential computerized mastery tests (Pa-per II)
3.3 Sequential computerized mastery tests – three sim-ulation studies (Paper III)
3.4 Estimation of try-out item parameters in computerized achievement tests (Paper IV)
4 Conclusions and further research
5 References
Author: Wiberg, Marie Helena
Source: Umea University
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