The aim of this masters thesis is to examine how communication structures within an inter-organisational network affect the network activities. Questions posed are: who communicates with whom; how does the communication structure affect information distribution; does the structure support the intended function of the network; are the participants satisfied with the information received; and how does the network structure affect the network sustainability. The theoretical starting point is the convergence model of communication applied in an analytic network context. Questionnaires were sent out to the network members and interviews were undertaken with some of the network participants. The Young peoples Reproductive Sexual Health and Rights YRSHR network was founded in 2000. MAMTA-Health Institute for Mother and Child took the initiative since there was a lack of organisations that targeted the group of adolescents…
1 Introduction
1.1 Presentation of the YRSHR-network
1.2 NGO’s and Society in a Development Perspective
1.3 Purpose of the study
2 Definitions
2.1 Definitions of Communication and Information
2.2 Network, an organisational principle and an analytical tool
3 Theory
3.1 Systems Theory
3.1.1 The convergence model of communication
3.2 Network Analysis
3.2.1 Network Concepts and Structure
3.2.2 Centrality
3.2.3 “The strength of weak ties”
3.3 Sustainability of Network co-operation
3.3.1 Collective action
3.3.2 Learning in a NGO co-operation
3.4 Summary
4 Method
4.1 Demarcation of the study
4.2 Questionnaires
4.3 Interviews
4.4 Method discussion
4.5 Methods of analysing the material
4.5.1 Cluster analysis
4.5.2 MDS scaling
5 Analysis
5.1 Communication structure in West Bengal
5.1.1 The star structure
5.1.2 Centrality in West Bengal
5.1.3 Density in West Bengal
5.2 Communication structure in the entire YRSHR-network
5.2.1 Centrality in the YRSHR-network
5.2.2 Density in the YRSHR-network
5.3 Collective action in the network co-operation
5.3.1 Function of the network co-operation
5.3.2 The question of network responsibility
5.4 Satisfaction with received information
5.4.1 Factors that affect information satisfaction
5.4.2 The choice of variables
5.5 The Information structure
6 Discussion
6.1 The network structure and its consequences
6.1.1 Satisfaction with received information
6.1.2 Function of the YRSHR-network
6.1.3 Sustainability and collective action
6.1.4 Learning and sustainability
6.2 Conclusions
7 Summary
8 List of References
8.1 Unpublished documents
8.2 Published documents
8.3 Interviews
Author: Berggren, Anna, Elfving, Asa
Source: University of Boras
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