Car Mobility: Positive and Negative Effects

Mobility has an essential function in a society . It could be viewed as the motor of our society. Nevertheless, mobility as well as its progress have external effects on welfare too, like, exhaustion of natural resources, polluting of the environment, noise and smell nuisance, traffic un-safety, and traffic jams. The car has both negative and positive effects on mobility and for that reason an important influence on welfare. This research aims to get an understanding into the possibilities to enhance positive effects as well as reduce negative effects of car mobility. In an effort to have a reference, the idea of ‘sustainable development’ is used……


1 Introduction
1.1 Mobility
1.2 External effects of traffic and transport
1.2.1 Exhaustion of natural resources and enhanced greenhouse effect
1.2.2 Acidification and local air pollution
1.2.3 Noise and smell nuisance
1.2.4 Traffic safety
1.2.5 Accessibility and congestion
1.2.6 Positive effects
1.3 The role of the car
1.4 Sustainable development
1.4.1 The limits to growth
1.4.2 Definition of sustainable development
1.4.3 Main elements of sustainable development
1.4.4 Sustainable mobility/transport
1.4.5 Five pillars for sustainable mobility
1.5 This research
1.5.1 Reason for this research
1.5.2 Objective
1.5.3 Research questions
1.5.4 Scope of this research
1.5.5 Reading guideMethodology
2.1 Scenario writing
2.1.1 Different methods
2.1.2 Backcasting approach
2.2 Cost benefit analysis
2.2.1 The classic method
2.2.2 Analysis of costs and benefits
3 Backcasting targets
3.1 Accessibility
3.1.1 Accessibility target page
3.1.2 Influencing accessibility
3.2 Transport equity
3.2.1 Transport equity target
3.2.2 Influencing transport equity
3.3 Traffic safety
3.3.1 Traffic safety target
3.3.2 Influencing traffic safety
3.4 Liveability
3.4.1 Liveability target
3.4.2 Influencing liveability
3.5 Nature and environmental quality
3.5.1 Nature and environmental quality target
3.5.2 Influencing nature and environmental quality
4.1 Reference scenario
4.1.1 Global Economy (GE)
4.1.2 In general
4.1.3 Mobility
4.1.4 Extrapolation to 2050
4.2 Potential savings
4.2.1 Gap between GE and sustainable mobility targets
4.2.2 Accessibility: no lost vehicle hours
4.2.3 Safety: no serious casualties
4.2.4 Liveability: no noise nuisance
4.2.5 Nature and environment: no emissions
4.3 Technology Take-over (TT)
4.3.1 Scenario description
4.3.2 Degree to which targets are fulfilled
4.3.3 Benefits and costs
4.3.4 Uncertainties
4.4 Conscious Consumer (CC)
4.4.1 Scenario description
4.4.2 Degree to which targets are fulfilled
4.4.3 Benefits and costs
4.4.4 Uncertainties
4.5 Exploiting Conventional Technologies (ECT)
4.5.1 Scenario description
4.5.2 Degree to which targets are fulfilled
4.5.3 Benefits and costs
4.5.4 Uncertainties
5 Results, conclusions and recommendations
5.1 Sustainable development for mobility…….

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Source: University of Twente

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